Actions & Testimonials

Testimony of Marie-Claude
… I’m a nurse art therapist and I thought about the psychiatric patients I work with. I thought maybe I could share this with them in a workshop, with the little book ‘Quand le désert fleurit’. Most of the people I work with have difficulty relating to others and suffer a great deal internally. Reading the texts once a week, followed by a time for talking, was rich in debate, reflection and calming. It helped to free up a voice that had been difficult to express… it opened the door to a shared world, to building a more peaceful society.
Many thanks again to the foundation, which gave each workshop participant the book. They received it as a precious object, and I think it was.

La Bouilladisse Town Hall
On the occasion of the World Day of Peace and Peace Education (September 20 & 21st),
the Kifubon association was invited on Saturday September 23, 2023, by La Bouilladisse, a municipality close to Marseille, France, to participate in a day entitled “Nature en fête, Cultivons la paix” (Celebrating Nature, Nurturing Peace).
Brought together by these two themes that unite us, we joined forces with TPRF (the foundation of Prem Rawat, author of “Quand le désert fleurit”, Peace is possible), which presented the Peace Education Program (PEP) distributed worldwide, and with the Unipaz Association (University of Peace). The ONF (National Forest Office), France Nature Environnement and the Aix-Marseille Urban Community (Transport, Mobility and Waste Management) were also represented at the event.
Kifubon had set up an information booth and conducted a “KAP” workshop with children and parents at the multimedia library, which was inaugurating a “Culture of Peace” space that day. The director added the Kifubon KAP to the media library’s collection for staff interested in our children’s workshop booklet.
Following the event, we received a letter from the Deputy Mayor of La Bouilladisse (Ecological Transition). Here is what she wrote:
“First of all, I would like to say a huge thank you to you for taking part in our « Nature en fête, cultivons la paix » event. Thanks to you, to your enthusiasm, and to your energy, the event was a great success. Deep feelings were shared and new things were learned. We had fun and we have reflected the values that we all share: peace, solidarity, the respect of our planet…”
Les Jardins de Maniban
The testimony of the RESIDENT psychologist of the residence « les jardins de Maniban »
First simply a white screen reveals, then faces and voices appear…
The residents take their seats with apparent surprise and curiosity.
The voices and faces on the white screen then recognise and call each resident by their first name, welcome them and express their pleasure at being together.
Then it’s time to listen to a story supported by images.
The residents appear attentive to the atmosphere and the setting.
The story is not always remembered by all, but that doesn’t matter. Because the storyteller pulls out threads to allow everyone to express themselves. A philosophical reflection emerges and the residents become more attentive to the words of others. A group identity is gradually starts to unfold.
« The « harvest » is an appreciated moment that feeds back to each person the phrase and the words that they have contributed to the group.
To conclude there remains meaning even when the memory has frayed; In other words finding oneself, naming oneself, recognising oneself and listening to oneself.
In Belgium at the school of Arlon
Return to Benin BENIN – End of auguste 2021
In response to a request from the pupils of the school for the blind in Natitingou, a Kifubon volunteer based in Belgium broadcasted this appeal for help. This prospect was echoed by her colleague, the husband of the headmistress of the basic school attached to the Athénée Royal in Arlon, who was very receptive to this project. She proposed to her pupils and their parents to join forces to finance the purchase of 10 Braille tablets and writing punches. The appeal was well received, and this essential material for learning to write in Braille, which they lack so much, was distributed to the Centre for the Blind in Materi (a town located nearly 100 kilometres from Natitingou).
Independently of the Arlon school’s initiative, the association Paix et Solidarité en France sent 40 books « Quand le désert fleurit », 20 of which were in Braille (provided by Kifubon) for the Centre de promotion des aveugles de Parakou and the Centre des non-voyants de Materi.
The regular support of a small group of donors who are sympathetic to the deprivation of the Materi Centre for the Blind enables food supplies to be sent.
All of this took place under the benevolence of the president of the Peace and Education Association of Benin, Rachidi: « I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to you for your daily donations, because this allows these children, who were really in need of food, to find enough to eat.
The initial aim was to help him to realise this worthy project of a reading and eloquence competition between sighted and blind schools.
Natitingou is a town in the north-west of Benin, capital and prefecture of the Atakora department
In Belgium, at the school of Arlon, the Braille tablets are ready to be sent to Benin
Blind young people in Benin
Natitingou in Northern Bénin
At the end of a Peace Education Program organized by the Peace and Education Association in Nititingou (North Benin) for blind young people, Kifubon books gifted in Braille.
Dear members of the Kifubon Association,
We held an official ceremony to hand over the Braille books you sent to us for the benefit of blind people in the commune of Natitingou, Northern Benin.
I would like to take this opportunity to express to you, on behalf of the Peace and Education Association, our sincere thanks because this gift comes to heal broken-hearts, the hearts that had lost hope. But today they have understood the true meaning of life.
Once again thank you.
« I am really very happy to receive this gesture of a book by Prem Rawat, which seems only symbolic but is very clear and sharp in its meaning.
On behalf of all the blind people who received this book, I would like to thank the entire team of Kifubon France-Belgium for this gift of a book in Braille.
It should be noted that this book entitled « When the Desert Blossoms » by Prem Rawat, [whom I thank very much in passing], reinforces the gift in a positive way on all of the ten themes of the Peace Education Program, which we have followed and has allowed us today to find hope because we had lost hope, we thought life was all over for us. »
« I would like to thank very sincerely the whole team of Kifubon France-Belgium for this gesture towards us.
…Thank you. »
« This 26th of September 2020 is the moment for me to express my deepgratitude for the presentation of this book entitled When the Desert Blossoms ». It would like to say that I had already lost hope, but thanks to the Peace Education Program, which I followed with attention, I noted that we are the solution to our own problems, this – really Cool – program of Prem showed that to me … it showed me the true path to succeed in my life.
And here we are again today receiving a gift of a book written by Prem – Wow! – what a joy.
I’m happy about it – because it’s really a real inner desert that’s blooming. This kind thought towards us gives me more strength to move.
Thank you to the association Peace and Education and thank you to the whole team of Kifubon France-Belgium. »
The valley of Aspe
KIFUBON offers books at the end of a Peace Education Program
The association Fêtes de la Paix has carried out this programme with young people in difficulty within the framework of its Peace Workshops.
~ When the heart reaches the ear ~
This is the second time we have visited the Aspe Valley to host a Peace Education Program for a group of eight young people. This time we are expanding upon five themes: Self-awareness, Inner Strength, Understanding, Dignity and Choice.
Those who had previously participated (in May) are keen to participate this time, even if some of them have experienced difficulties in understanding or expressing themselves. These young people (between 13 and 20 years old) have been very much perturbed by life, often by their families and are so accompanied by two educators. There are therefore « brakes » that must be carefully put aside. We have also had to help educators understand that it wasn’t going to be a question of what to do or how to behave, but that Prem Rawat was only going to talk about what in them could enable them to have a better life, a more real, more human life.
So it is by small steps that each of them listens to their hearts. I want to tell them, « Take your time, don’t be in a hurry, it takes a lifetime ».
Indeed, how can we imagine, especially today in the midst of a chaotic disordered world, that each individual, if he wants to, can listen to his heart and really live this life to the full and appreciate it as much as possible?
It is for them to check and for us to follow…
The course was a sort of wake-up call, for the young people, for the educators and for me too. Their engagement that was difficult to receive at first, then sailed from one shore to the other.
Some really expressed how they had made progress and benefited from it. Others expressed appreciation but did not always understand what it could bring them. There were many beautiful moments, especially when I was able to tell them that the Kifubon France association was going to offer everyone the book « When the Desert Blossoms » by Prem Rawat. When eyes shine like that, it speaks for itself…
A month later, the team of educators returned: for a large part of the young people, a positive change could be observed: some of them are starting to take themselves more in hand, to do things and not just say them, to take things to heart and take them seriously. For others, their position in relation to others is changing in the right direction of more self-confidence. We all agree that preparation is very important, as much for the program as for the technical aspects. In conclusion, there is a huge potential in these workshops, there will be some positive outcomes for sure. Some already visible and others will manifest later.
The question is: what do we do to continue?
– Claude for the Peace Workshops team
The puzzle
This puzzle was created by Kifubon Italy based on a story from « Quand le désert fleurit… ». « . The French version of this puzzle is available as well as the book.
« I enjoyed doing this puzzle, it was very nice. It was great to do it outdoors. I had a lot of fun with my brother. The text is very beautiful and in my opinion, the message of this text is: just because you are different doesn’t mean you are useless. It would be nice if there were other puzzles from the stories in the book. »
Crossing the desert
When the desert blooms by Prem Rawat
Who hasn’t already experienced one (or more) desert crossings, feeling lonely,
imprisoned, or forgotten by Life?
And then one day, a person who wishes you well (a friend in the true sense of the word)
introduces you to this book,
you read it, re-read it…
and your desert begins to bloom!
This is a book that comes from the heart,
goes to the heart,
speaks to your heart,
whatever your age, origin or condition.
You then feel like sharing it, telling it, drawing it, discussing it,
in short, to disseminate it!
And do you know why?
For the Peace that he has made blossom in you.
This is my story with this book, and I am only at the beginning!
Thanks to Kifubon.
– Delphine Z.
An open reading
« When the desert blooms… In the land of words on Friday evening, we were a group of about ten people warmly welcomed in a small room in the bookshop.
The reading of the tales prompted exchanges and reflections within the group leading to a fine understanding of the metaphors:
This book is an extraordinary book of truth, it won’t leave me!
An extremely rich experience, to be revisited and deepened around the theme of peace! confided the bookseller. »
– One Friday at the bookshop « Au pays des mots » in Argelès-Gazost.
The book in Braille
« What a wonderful idea to publish Prem Rawat’s book « Quand le désert fleurit… » in braille.
It is an excellent gift to give to a disabled person and Kifubon proves that the blind and visually impaired are not forgotten; they will have the words of wisdom of this Ambassador for Peace at their fingertips.
– Integral (e.g.: hello)
– The abstract (e.g.: bj)
For my part, I did everything I could to make sure that this book (in audio book format) was catalogued in the 2 French media libraries specialising in reading for people for whom reading is difficult because of their disability:
– The Valentin Haüy media library (AVH) offers an online catalogue on the Eole website.
– The B.N.F.A. (Bibliothèque Numérique Francophone pour Aveugles).
It is also available in electronic Braille, the advantage of which is the saving of space, but the purchase of a Braille reader remains very expensive and reading with a typewriter track remains cold and impassive, one discovers the written word letter by letter.
Please note in order to follow this method, you must be registered and provide a disability card or medical certificate proving that the person is unable to read, blind, visually impaired, mentally handicapped or motor handicapped. Please be aware that this adaptation can only be used by the person to whom it was gifted to and must not be passed on to a third party in any way whatsoever. »
– A blind friend
La Litote
At the bookshop La Litote recalls about the book « Quand le désert fleurit… »
« Plic ploc !!! It was raining that evening… and what a pleasant idea to snuggle up in this charming bookshop to share some stories around Prem Rawat’s book.
« I greatly appreciated the warmth of the sharing process, the simplicity of the exchanges, the kindly glances, the open hearts, the sound of the hurdy-gurdy, the lightness and the depth so overwhelming and nowadays so rare.
Yes, let us consider Prem’s tales as little seeds because they touch the heart of man. When will be the next one? » – D.S.
« The exchanges were very pleasant but at the same time profound. The readings aloud of the little philosophical and metaphorical tales were orated by readers who clearly shared the pleasure they took in reading them. Once again, lightness and depth went hand in hand. » – H.K.
« It was just a delightful evening! Enriched by the diversity of ages, really a great experience to be repeated without any doubt.
It was a great read there is still something indefinable about it, yet still very significant and very enjoyable!!!
Thank you all for this moment of sharing. » – L.P.
« I loved the sincere participation of the people, hearing my daughter speak as she did from the heart. Discovering the people of Kifubon, the beautiful listening experience, being privileged to play a piece of music, read one story or more and having it all happen in a book store. » – N.B.
« I found the bookseller and her husband, kind, quiet, helpful and the whole little group with eyes full of gentleness and wonder for whom it seems everything is an opportunity to delight the heart.
Words were exchanged, animated, precise, loving, daring, profound. A very young girl, amused by these clumsy adults, became the one who best knew how to understand their problems. Everyone had his or her place.
About fifteen human beings around a rare, precious book, « When the Desert Blossoms and Other Seeds of Life. » by Prem Rawat.- C.A.
– November in Vic-en-Bigorre, at the bookshop La Litote.
A media library
« Quand le désert fleurit… » … » is a little book that does your heart good and deserves to be distributed, read and heard as widely as possible.
It brings peace of mind, considerable inner peace and allows you to take a deep breath leading to a relaxing experience in body and mind.
Thank you, thank you to the author Prem Rawat for this moment of peace. »
– A person in charge of the Maubourguet media library
The book in braille
« This book encourages us to share good feelings; Leading towards a search for conviviality and fraternity. It is easy to read for children and can lead to discussions about the subject of peace. »
-Proofreader du Centre de Transcription et d’Édition (CTEB)
« In the tradition of the Fables of Jean de La Fontaine, a collection of stories that puts into perspective our point of view on life and highlights the different interpretations of each person according to his or her life-experience and moral-values. »
– Transcriber du Centre de Transcription et d’Édition en Braille (CTEB)
A storyteller
« I am a storyteller and I really appreciated this book « Quand le désert fleurit… »
This book is very special, when you gift it you have no idea which path it will take.
For example I gave it to a friend for her birthday. Her father, who was staying on holiday with her, immediately looked at it. He told her that her grandmother was a storyteller in Africa. As he was so enthusiastic, she gave the book to him for his return home before she had chance to read it herself. This book is now in Cameroon or the Ivory Coast! And who knows from there what route it will take? »
– A storyteller who appreciates the book « Quand le désert fleurit …»
A library
« We are delighted! The book « Quand le désert fleurit… »… » pleased us enormously, we are going to promote it widely. If I had to make a footnote it would be:Beware of this book. It might put you in a good-mood!. »
– A library director who was given a book as a gift
« I sell games, wooden toys and books for young people and the general public in the markets and villages around Avignon and Bagnols-sur-Cèze. In May I started selling Prem Rawat’s book « Quand le désert fleurit… » de Prem Rawat.
I feature the KIFUBON project when I sell it on my market stall. I have been able to present this project to the director of a library that I know and to 2 associations.
I am very grateful to be able to contribute to the beautiful KIFUBON project and to meet enlightened people touched by reading a few sentences of this book. »
– Merchant on a market-stall in Provence
Prison library
Here is one of the responses received from the library of a French prison:
Hello Madam,
The receptionist gave me the book you had left for the prisoners. I have read this book, I would like to thank you for this gift and I am convinced that this book will help those who will read it…
… It is welcome to us for the peacefulness that it brings and its advice of serenity and reconciliation… »
– Volunteer in a prison in the North of France